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Home » References » Grossman and Stiglitz and a Heartless Temptress with Schwab Cancer

Grossman and Stiglitz and a Heartless Temptress with Schwab Cancer

Grossman and Stiglitz, JStor, 1980, On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets, here. Uh Oh, that Schwab Cancer, it spreads back in the  time dimension. Somebody better do something. Let me see if I understand this right. As a small retail investor, just looking for a fair deal, if I trade with Schwab, or anybody else, I will be (and have always been) forced to accept an unfair deal.  That’s just like that Under the Skin movie.

Ms. Johansson’s luscious, cherry-red lips, onto which she is shown daubing deeper shades of crimson, seem to have an extra cushion of softness. In “Under the Skin,” it is as if the voice of Samantha — the operating system Ms. Johansson voiced in “Her” — has taken human form. But instead of a seemingly empathetic cyberfriend, she turns out to be a heartless humanoid temptress from outer space.

In the movie’s striking opening sequence, this otherworldly siren first appears as a speck of light that expands into a disc, which forms into an unblinking eye. Accompanying this metamorphosis is a scratchy electronic soundtrack by Mica Levi that suggests vaguely melodic static emanating from another galaxy.

That eye belongs to Ms. Johansson, whose character later appears as the driver of a white van that makes its way through the crowded streets of Glasgow. She periodically stops to ask for directions from men, then offers them a ride and beckons them to follow her as she removes her clothes and sidles backward. For her entranced victims, shown wading up to their chests in a consuming black void, the end is at hand.

I guess the moral of this story is Stay In School retail investors?


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